Are you guilty of mom guilt?

Do you ever (or constantly) feel like a bad mom? Do you:

  • Find yourself yelling more than you want and beating yourself up about it later?

  • Say yes when you want to say no because you feel bad about something?

  • Spend hours replaying interactions with your kids, wishing you’d handled things differently?

  • Compare yourself to other moms and wish you could be more like them?

  • Feel like whatever decision you make with your kids is the wrong one? 

You might be experiencing mom guilt.

Guilt is one of the heaviest emotions we can feel, and most of us think it’s just something we have to live with. 

Guilt keeps us from enjoying the present moment with our kids. It keeps us living in the past and that’s not where our power is. 

Don’t let mom guilt continue to affect your self-confidence and inner happiness or take you away from enjoying your life and family. 

If you’re ready to kick mom guilt to the curb, check out the mom guilt resources page.

Increase Your P.E.A.C.E.

If you are happy with every aspect of your life, household, parenting and relationship then feel free to keep on scrolling.

But if there is even the smallest part of you that wishes your #momlife had a little less chaos and guilt then stick around to learn about Increase Your Peace, a coaching program I have developed to help moms release their guilt and truly live in their peace!

You deserve to live a life that you don't want to escape from.

You deserve to pass on a legacy of truly loving yourself and following your passions and purposes.

Increase Your Peace is about helping you take back control of the things you can and letting go of the external pressures that have you cycling through life, trying to please everyone but yourself.

You deserve to be the CEO of your household and become the person you have always desired to be!

Want to know how peaceful your life is? Check out my P.E.A.C.E. Assessment now or if you know you're ready to find out more, check out the coaching tab.


Great Place to Start

  • Personal support x 6 weeks

  • Weekly 1:1 Phone Sessions

  • Flexible Scheduling

  • Text support + Voxer support between sessions

  • Gain clarity, insight, direction

  • Experience progress

  • Lay firm foundation for forward momentum


Most Popular

  • Personal support for 90 + days

  • Weekly 1:1 Phone Sessions

  • Flexible Scheduling

  • Text support + Voxer support between sessions

  • Gain clarity, insight, direction

  • Experience progress

  • Lay firm foundation for forward momentum

  • Achieve the deepest dive

  • Be supported while embodying the change

  • Maximize results

How P.E.A.C.E.ful is your life?

Breast feeding podcast

S7 E3: Embracing the Journey of Birth and Breastfeeding with Kelly Durbin

September 18, 20241 min read

In this episode, Kelly Durbin shares her inspiring journey from the classroom to the world of birth and breastfeeding education, including her work as a board-certified lactation consultant and content creator for Childbirth International. Together, we dive deep into the challenges and joys of breastfeeding, the importance of having a supportive team, and how birth positions can influence labor experiences.

We explore the ups and downs that many moms face in their breastfeeding journey, including perceived low milk supply and the pressures new mothers feel. They also discuss the power of a support system—whether it's family, friends, or knowledgeable professionals—and the significance of trusting your intuition as a parent. Tune in to gain valuable insights, tips, and stories from two passionate advocates for maternal support and empowerment.

If you're a new mom, expecting, or simply interested in learning more about childbirth and breastfeeding, this episode is packed with wisdom and encouragement. Plus, Kelly shares her experience of writing a book during the pandemic, the fascinating history behind modern childbirth positions, and Alysia opens up about her own experiences with motherhood and surrogacy.

Kelly Durbin is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), childbirth educator, author, and volunteer breastfeeding counselor. She has co-authored original research on breastfeeding topics and is the sole author of a book called Protecting Your Potential for Breastfeeding, As a lactation consultant, Kelly has provided one-on-one consultations, taught numerous breastfeeding classes, and has conducted nine lactation support groups in five US states, offering evidence-based information, practical support, and compassionate care to hundreds of families since 2008. Kelly is the Curriculum Development Coordinator for Childbirth International. She lives in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, with her husband and two daughters.

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I’m Alysia and I wear many hats. I’m a mother, an author, a podcaster, and a life coach. My goal is to connect with you and help you through blog posts, podcast episodes, my book about mom guilt or personal coaching.

To learn more about where I came from, read my story.

If you’d like to know more about who I am, check out my blog & podcast.

I’d love to connect with you. Follow me on social media and if you have questions, comments or are interested in a collaboration, email me at

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